What is Artifact or Artifact Nouveau?
Currently in its second year of publication, Artifact Nouveau is a re-branding of Artifact (2007-2014). Artifact Nouveau is a magazine of works by students, faculty, alumni, and employees of San Joaquin Delta College published by the SJDC Writers’ Guild. Works by writers and artists unaffiliated with Delta College are also accepted, but at least 60% of featured artists are from our community. We accept submissions year round, publishing Fall, Spring, and Summer issues. All genres and mediums are welcome. Submit to [email protected]. View issues of Artifact Nouveau at issuu.com/thewritersguildartifactnouveau and our website at deltacollege.edu/org/wrtrsgld/pubinfo.htm. We need your Contact Information! Include with your submissions your name, number, address, a 2 to 4 line bio of yourself written in third person (from he/she point of view). A photograph of yourself is optional for the bio section.
What is Artifact or Artifact Nouveau?
Currently in its second year of publication, Artifact Nouveau is a re-branding of Artifact (2007-2014). Artifact Nouveau is a magazine of works by students, faculty, alumni, and employees of San Joaquin Delta College published by the SJDC Writers’ Guild. Works by writers and artists unaffiliated with Delta College are also accepted, but at least 60% of featured artists are from our community. We accept submissions year round, publishing Fall, Spring, and Summer issues. All genres and mediums are welcome. Submit to [email protected]. View issues of Artifact Nouveau at issuu.com/thewritersguildartifactnouveau and our website at deltacollege.edu/org/wrtrsgld/pubinfo.htm. We need your Contact Information! Include with your submissions your name, number, address, a 2 to 4 line bio of yourself written in third person (from he/she point of view). A photograph of yourself is optional for the bio section.